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Article: 10 Fun Facts About Cannabis You Probably Didn't Know

An illustrated encyclopedia page featuring an array of whimsical, cartoon-style cannabis plants with speech bubbles, each containing a unique and fun fact about cannabis, set against a backdrop of a sunny, vibrant garden.

10 Fun Facts About Cannabis You Probably Didn't Know

10 Fun Facts About Cannabis You Probably Didn't Know

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, has been a subject of interest and controversy for decades. Whether you are a supporter, a critic, or simply curious, here are 10 fun facts about cannabis that might surprise you.

1. Shakespeare May Have Been a Fan

Pipe fragments found in William Shakespeare's garden in Stratford-upon-Avon showed traces of cannabis. While it's not conclusive evidence, it suggests that the Bard of Avon may have been partial to the plant, possibly drawing creative inspiration from it.

2. Cannabis Was Used as a Truth Serum

During World War II, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a precursor to the CIA, developed a cannabis-based truth serum. They used the drug in interrogations to coax secrets out of prisoners of war, although its effectiveness was debatable.

3. The First Online Purchase Was Cannabis

Before Amazon and eBay, the first-ever online transaction was said to be a cannabis sale between students at Stanford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the early 1970s, over ARPANET, the precursor to the internet.

4. Cannabis Seeds in Space

Yes, cannabis has made it to space. In 1982, cannabis seeds were carried aboard the Soviet space station Salyut 7. This experiment was aimed at understanding how zero-gravity conditions affect the seeds' development.

5. It's Ancient

Cannabis is one of the oldest cultivated crops. Archaeological evidence suggests that it has been used for its psychoactive properties for at least 2,500 years, and possibly as far back as 12,000 years, making it humanity's oldest known psychoactive substance.

6. A Botanical Dinosaur

Genetic studies have shown that the plant is incredibly ancient, estimating its first appearance to over 28 million years ago in the Tibetan Plateau. This makes it much older than many species still existing today.

7. It has a Plethora of Names

Cannabis is known by many names around the world, including weed, pot, marijuana, ganja, and many others. These names reflect the plant's global presence and cultural significance.

8. Industrial Uses

Beyond recreational and medicinal use, cannabis has significant industrial applications. Hemp, a variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species grown specifically for industrial use, can be transformed into a range of products including paper, textiles, biodegradable plastics, and even fuel.

9. A Plant of Firsts

The first American flag was made from hemp, and the Declaration of Independence was drafted on hemp paper. These facts highlight the pivotal role that cannabis played in the early history of the United States.

10. Bees Love Cannabis

Recent studies have shown that bees are attracted to cannabis because of its abundant pollen. Interestingly, this could have positive implications for the bee population, which is currently facing a decline. The relationship between cannabis and bees could contribute to environmental sustainability and agricultural productivity.

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