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Article: We'll Eat Almost Anything When We're Stoned, But Not That!

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We'll Eat Almost Anything When We're Stoned, But Not That!

The munchies. Nearly anyone who has experienced the effects of cannabis knows about the intense cravings for food that can accompany a good high. While most foods seem irresistibly delicious, some culinary choices remain off-limits even in the heightened state of being stoned. It's a fascinating phenomenon that reveals a lot about our tastes, tolerances, and perhaps even our common sense.

The Magic of Munchies

When the munchies strike, the urge to eat can feel all-consuming. Savory, sweet, salty, crunchy—almost everything in the kitchen becomes a candidate for consumption. This ravenous appetite is driven by the interaction between cannabinoids and our brain's endocannabinoid system, which plays a significant role in regulating appetite and pleasure.

Studies have shown that THC, the psychoactive component in cannabis, can influence the olfactory bulb, enhancing our sense of smell and taste. This heightened sensory experience makes food seem more appealing and enjoyable, which explains why a simple snack can transform into a gastronomic delight.

Comfort Food Reigns Supreme

When it comes to satisfying munchies, comfort foods typically dominate the list. Items like pizza, chips, ice cream, and sugary cereals are perennial favorites. These foods are not only easy to eat but also packed with flavors and textures that provide instant gratification. More adventurous individuals might combine unconventional items, creating unique, sometimes bizarre concoctions that they wouldn’t dare try while sober.

The “No” List: Foods We Avoid

Despite the anything-goes nature of munchies, there are still foods that even the hungriest stoners wouldn’t touch. These off-limit items often fall into one of the following categories:

1. Overly Spicy Foods

While some enjoy a bit of heat, overly spicy foods can be too much to handle during a cannabis high. The intense burn can overpower the senses, leading to discomfort and a less enjoyable experience. Nobody wants to stop a chill session to deal with a mouth on fire.

2. Exotic Acquired Tastes

Foods like natto (fermented soybeans), durian, or blue cheese, which have strong, acquired tastes, are usually avoided. When stoned, the brain seeks comfort and familiarity, making these unusual and divisive flavors far less appealing.

3. Highly Aromatic Foods

Strong-smelling foods such as fish sauce, kimchi, or certain types of aged cheeses can be off-putting when you're in a heightened sensory state. The overpowering aromas can be overwhelming and even nauseating.

4. Foods That Require Too Much Effort

Eating while stoned is all about convenience. Foods that require intricate preparation or are messy to handle, like cracking open nuts or eating shellfish, quickly lose their appeal. The simpler, the better.

5. Unpopular Healthy Choices

While fruits and salads can be refreshing, many people find themselves gravitating towards high-calorie, indulgent foods. Items like kale chips or plain yogurt, often deemed healthy but bland, simply don’t hit the spot when the munchies take over.

The Exception to Every Rule

Of course, everyone's tastes and tolerances are unique. What one person might avoid, another might enjoy. The boundaries of food preference can blur under the influence of cannabis, leading to surprising and sometimes delightful discoveries. Nevertheless, the foods listed above generally remain the least likely candidates for those memorable munchie feasts.


In the world of stoner munchies, almost anything goes, but some lines are rarely crossed. While comfort and familiarity govern the choice of high snacks, there are still foods that just don't make the grade. Understanding these boundaries not only makes for an interesting look at our culinary behaviors but also offers insight into the complex relationship between cannabis and our senses.

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